Returns a paged list of authentication log events ranging from the last 180 days up to as recently as two minutes before the API request.
Get-DuoAuthenticationLog [-ApiHostname] <String> [-Credential] <PSCredential> [[-AccountId] <String>]
[-StartDate] <DateTime> [-EndDate] <DateTime> [[-IntegrationKeys] <Array>] [[-UserIds] <Array>]
[[-EventType] <String>] [[-Factor] <String>] [[-GroupIds] <Array>] [[-PhoneNumbers] <Array>]
[[-Reason] <String>] [[-Result] <String>] [[-Tokens] <Array>] [-ProgressAction <ActionPreference>]
Returns a paged list of authentication log events ranging from the last 180 days up to as recently as two minutes before the API request.
$Credential = $(Get-SecureCredential -Name 'DUO_Account' -VaultName 'vault')
PS>$ApiHostname = ""
PS>Get-DuoAuthenticationLog -ApiHostname $ApiHostname -Credential $Credential -AccountId "AALSFLAJFKS5AJLKDJ55LA5KS" -StartDate $(Get-Date).AddDays(-30) -EndDate $(Get-Date).AddDays(-1)
Target API hostname E.g.
Type: String
Parameter Sets: (All)
Required: True
Position: 1
Default value: None
Accept pipeline input: True (ByPropertyName)
Accept wildcard characters: False
PSCredential containing IKEY as username and SKEY as securestring
Type: PSCredential
Parameter Sets: (All)
Required: True
Position: 2
Default value: None
Accept pipeline input: True (ByPropertyName)
Accept wildcard characters: False
Target account id. IF specified, the Credentials parameter must contain the account API credentials and URL.
Type: String
Parameter Sets: (All)
Required: False
Position: 3
Default value: None
Accept pipeline input: True (ByPropertyName)
Accept wildcard characters: False
Start date in powershell notation $(Get-Date).AddDays(-30)
Type: DateTime
Parameter Sets: (All)
Required: True
Position: 4
Default value: None
Accept pipeline input: True (ByPropertyName)
Accept wildcard characters: False
End date in powershell notation $(Get-Date).AddDays(-1)
Type: DateTime
Parameter Sets: (All)
Required: True
Position: 5
Default value: None
Accept pipeline input: True (ByPropertyName)
Accept wildcard characters: False
An integration's integration_key or the key value for an application returned in the authentication log output. Default: Return logs for all applications.
Type: Array
Parameter Sets: (All)
Required: False
Position: 6
Default value: None
Accept pipeline input: True (ByPropertyName)
Accept wildcard characters: False
A user's user_id or the key value for a user returned in the authentication log output. Default: Return logs for all users.
Type: Array
Parameter Sets: (All)
Required: False
Position: 7
Default value: None
Accept pipeline input: True (ByPropertyName)
Accept wildcard characters: False
The type of authentication event. One of: authentication: Return events for authentication attempts. enrollment: Return events related to a user completing Duo's inline enrollment.
Type: String
Parameter Sets: (All)
Required: False
Position: 8
Default value: None
Accept pipeline input: True (ByPropertyName)
Accept wildcard characters: False
The factor or method used for an authentication attempt. One of: duo_push: Return events where the authentication factor was "Duo Push". phone_call: Return events where the authentication factor was a phone call. u2f_token: Return events where the authentication factor was a U2F token. hardware_token: Return events where the authentication factor was a hardware token passcode. bypass_code: Return events where the authentication factor was a bypass code. sms_passcode: Return events where the authentication factor was an SMS passcode. duo_mobile_passcode: Return events where the authentication factor was a passcode generated by "Duo Mobile". yubikey_code: Return events where the authentication factor was a Yubikey OTP token passcode. passcode: Return events where the authentication factor was a passcode not identified as another known type. digipass_go_7_token: Return events where the authentication factor was a Digipass GO 7 token purchased from Duo. WebAuthn Security Key: Return events where the authentication factor was a FIDO2 security key. WebAuthn Chrome Touch ID: Return events where the authentication factor was Apple Touch ID with the Chrome browser. WebAuthn Credential: Return events where the authentication factor was a WebAuthn authenticator other than a security key or Touch ID. not_available: Return events where the authentication factor is not available. sms_refresh: Return events where the user requested a refresh batch of SMS passcodes. remembered_device: Return events where the authentication factor was the remembered device token from a previous authentication success. trusted_network: Return events where the effective authentication factor was an authorized network. trusted_mobile_authenticator: Return events where the effective authentication factor Duo Mobile Inline Auth on an Android or iOS device. verified_duo_push: Return events where the authentication factor was "Verified Duo Push".
Type: String
Parameter Sets: (All)
Required: False
Position: 9
Default value: None
Accept pipeline input: True (ByPropertyName)
Accept wildcard characters: False
A group's group_id or the key value for a group returned in the authentication log output. Default: Return logs for all groups.
Type: Array
Parameter Sets: (All)
Required: False
Position: 10
Default value: None
Accept pipeline input: True (ByPropertyName)
Accept wildcard characters: False
A phone's number as returned in the authentication log output. If the phone has been given a text name then both are returned in the format name (number). Default: Return logs for all phone numbers used.
Type: Array
Parameter Sets: (All)
Required: False
Position: 11
Default value: None
Accept pipeline input: True (ByPropertyName)
Accept wildcard characters: False
The reason associated with an authentication attempt. One of: user_marked_fraud: Return events where authentication was denied because the end user explicitly marked "fraudulent". deny_unenrolled_user: Return events where authentication was denied because of the following policy: "deny not enrolled users". error: Return events where authentication was denied because of an error. locked_out: Return events generated by users that are locked out. user_disabled: Return events where authentication was denied because the user was disabled. user_cancelled: Return events where authentication was denied because the end user cancelled the request. invalid_passcode: Return events where authentication was denied because the passcode was invalid. no_response: Return events where authentication was denied because there was no response from the user. no_keys_pressed: Return events where authentication was denied because no keys were pressed to accept the auth. call_timed_out: Return events where authentication was denied because the call was not answered or call authentication timed out for an indeterminate reason. location_restricted: Return events where authentication was denied because the end user's location was restricted. factor_restricted: Return events where authentication was denied because the authentication method used was not allowed. platform_restricted: Return events where authentication was denied because the access platform was not allowed. version_restricted: Return events where authentication was denied because the software version was not allowed. rooted_device: Return events where authentication was denied because the approval device was rooted. no_screen_lock: Return events where authentication was denied because the approval device does not have screen lock enabled. touch_id_disabled: Return events where authentication was denied because the approval device's biometrics (fingerprint, Face ID or Touch ID) is disabled. no_disk_encryption: Return events where authentication was denied because the approval device did not have disk encryption enabled. anonymous_ip: Return events where authentication was denied because the authentication request came from an anonymous IP address. out_of_date: Return events where authentication was denied because the software was out of date. denied_by_policy: Return events where authentication was denied because of a policy. software_restricted: Return events where authentication was denied because of software restriction. no_duo_certificate_present: Return events where authentication was denied because there was no Duo certificate present. user_provided_invalid_certificate: Return events where authentication was denied because an invalid management certificate was provided. could_not_determine_if_endpoint_was_trusted: Return events where authentication was denied because it could not be determined if the endpoint was trusted. invalid_management_certificate_collection_state: Return events where authentication was denied because of an invalid management certificate collection state. no_referring_hostname_provided: Return events where authentication was denied because no referring hostname was provided. invalid_referring_hostname_provided: Return events where authentication was denied because an invalid referring hostname was provided. no_web_referer_match: Return events where authentication was denied because an invalid referring hostname did not match an application's hostnames list. endpoint_failed_google_verification: Return events where authentication was denied because the endpoint failed Google verification. endpoint_is_not_trusted: Return events where authentication was denied because the endpoint was not trusted. invalid_device: Return events where authentication was denied because the device was invalid. anomalous_push: Return events where authentication was denied because of an anomalous push. endpoint_is_not_in_management_system: Return events where authentication was denied because the endpoint is not in a management system. no_activated_duo_mobile_account: Return events where authentication was denied because the end user does not have an activated Duo Mobile app account. allow_unenrolled_user: Return events where authentication was successful because of the following policy: "allow not enrolled users". bypass_user: Return events where authentication was successful because a bypass code was used. trusted_network: Return events where authentication was successful because the end user was on a trusted network. remembered_device: Return events where authentication was successful because the end user was on a remembered device. trusted_location: Return events where authentication was successful because the end user was in a trusted location. user_approved: Return events where authentication was successful because the end user approved the authentication request. valid_passcode: Return events where authentication was successful because the end user used a valid passcode. allowed_by_policy: Return events where authentication was successful because of a policy. allow_unenrolled_user_on_trusted_network: Return events where authentication was successful because the unenrolled user's access device was on an authorized network. user_not_in_permitted_group: Return events where authentication was denied because the user did not belong to one of the Permitted Groups specified in the application's settings. verification_code_correct: Return events where authentication was successful because of a Verified Duo Push. verification_code_missing: Return events where authentication was denied because the user used an old version of Duo Mobile that does not support Verified Duo Push. verification_code_incorrect: Return events where authentication was denied because the user entered the wrong code when approving a Verified Duo Push.
Type: String
Parameter Sets: (All)
Required: False
Position: 12
Default value: None
Accept pipeline input: True (ByPropertyName)
Accept wildcard characters: False
The result of an authentication attempt. One of: success: Return "successful" authentication events. denied: Return "denied" authentication events. fraud: Return "fraudulent" authentication events.
Type: String
Parameter Sets: (All)
Required: False
Position: 13
Default value: None
Accept pipeline input: True (ByPropertyName)
Accept wildcard characters: False
A WebAuthn security key's webauthnkey or U2F security key's registration_id as returned in the authentication log output. Default: Return logs for security keys used.
Type: Array
Parameter Sets: (All)
Required: False
Position: 14
Default value: None
Accept pipeline input: True (ByPropertyName)
Accept wildcard characters: False
{{ Fill ProgressAction Description }}
Type: ActionPreference
Parameter Sets: (All)
Aliases: proga
Required: False
Position: Named
Default value: None
Accept pipeline input: False
Accept wildcard characters: False
This cmdlet supports the common parameters: -Debug, -ErrorAction, -ErrorVariable, -InformationAction, -InformationVariable, -OutVariable, -OutBuffer, -PipelineVariable, -Verbose, -WarningAction, and -WarningVariable. For more information, see about_CommonParameters.